Tips on Being Joyful

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In the hectic city life, we are often too busy to attend to our psychological well-being. We tend to overlook the importance of joy because of heavy work or other daily responsibilities.
In fact, being joyful is not only about the short moments of positive feelings, but it also associates with life satisfaction. With happiness and contentment, we are likely to be healthier, perform better at work, engage in more rewarding social relationships and thus have a more fulfilling life. It also reduces the risk of developing mental health problems.

Here are some joyful tips that we can carry out on a regular basis.
1. Think from the bright side. When facing setbacks, we can use positive terms to reframe the difficult situations. Instead of keep saying “what I CANNOT”, think about “what I CAN”. For example, “I cannot deal with the crisis” versus “What can I do to better prepare myself? “I can learn”, “ I can give it a try”. The latter thinking style helps us to stay hopeful and motivates us to persist.
2. Embrace life with humor and creativity. Considering a popular example of a glass of water, apart from viewing it as half-empty or half-full, why not see the glass is refillable or safe against overflow! Leveraging our creativity creates new perspectives, lightens our mood and enables us to take things lightly.
3. Nurture a sense of gratitude. Appreciating the small and pleasant experiences in everyday life can build happiness and satisfaction. For examples, we can write down or share with our family and friends three good things that we are grateful about every day. This enables us to treasure the goodness in life and take experiences as our gifts.


3. Nurture a sense of gratitude. Appreciating the small and pleasant experiences in everyday life can build happiness and satisfaction. For examples, we can write down or share with our family and friends three good things that we are grateful about every day. This enables us to treasure the goodness in life and take experiences as our gifts.

4. Savour positive past memories. We have the ability to elicit happiness for ourselves by remembering the good times. For example, we can recall pleasant events from the previous day and enrich the picture in mind with details. This allows us to re-experience and sustain the positive emotions, and take our mind away from negative memories and unwanted feelings.


5. Perform acts of kindness. Good deeds have a long-lasting impact on our happiness. We can practice an act of kindness every day. Examples range from saying thank you to the bus driver, holding the door open for the next person, to volunteering. This helps foster social bonds and a joyful living environment.
We can practice the above or exercise our creativity to do more to cultivate joy in our life.