SWS: 50% of Pinoys who confessed love for a friend left unrequited

MANILA, Philippines — Even as more than half of Filipinos are “very happy” with their current love life, others are not so lucky when it came to matters of the heart, based on the survey by the Social Weather Stations (SWS).

According to a Fourth Quarter 2022 SWS survey released four days before Valentine’s last Friday three out of 10 (30%) Pinoys reportedly confessing their love for a friend.

Most of those who chose to confess their feelings to friends were males:

males (40%)
females (25%)

“Among those who confessed love for a friend, half (50%) experienced unrequited love,” SWS said.

On the bright side, a lot of Filipinos are still admittedly optimistic with their love lives, with 57% saying they are “very happy” with their current relationships, 25% said they “could be happier,” while 17% have no love life.

“SWS employs its own staff for questionnaire design, sampling, fieldwork, data processing, and analysis and dose not outsource any of its survey operations,” the survey firm said.

The survey was done last December 10-14 using face-to-face interviews with 1,200 adults nationwide, with a sampling error margin of +-2.8%.

Last 2009, SWS found out that around 71% of Filipinos value recieving love over giving it.

Around 51% of respondents said in 2010 that they would prefer someone rich but ugly while 46% said they would choose someone good-looking but poor.

Meanwhile, in a 2019 study, on the other hand, said that around four out of five Filipinos are more attracted to brains than body.