HK Department of Health promoting resilience for students and youth

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Taking care of children in Hong Kong is one of the major responsibilities of the domestic workers in Hong Kong. Providing support to their wards during the pandemic is a challenge. Understanding and patience with the youth and students are important values to have a harmonious relationship with them.

The youth and students experienced a roller-coaster of emotions due to the volatile social distancing measures, especially at the peak of the 5th wave. School re-scheduling and day-to-day restrictions and limitations affect their development.

The Department of Health Promoting resilience for students and youth

Apart from the threat to physical health, the COVID-19 pandemic brings forth many other stressors, such as unemployment, social isolation, suspensions of community, school and childcare support services, etc. They all have taken their toll on our normal life and mental health.   Resilience, as our psychological inner strength, can help us to fight against adversities.

What is resilience?

Resilience is a process of adapting well in the face of significant challenges and difficulties. Resilience not only relates to “bouncing back” from hardship but also involves profound personal growth.

Enhancing our resilience

  • Manage irrational thinking and embrace hopeful thoughts

“COVID-19 will get me, I will be suspended from DSE, and all my study efforts are ruined!” These catastrophizing thoughts assume “being infected is unavoidable, missing DSE exam will result, and finally voiding entire study efforts”, and they intensify the panic.  Try to identify and stop such irrational thinking.  Instead, adopting some more balanced and hopeful thoughts (e.g. good personal hygiene effectively prevents infection and medical treatments help recovery) may ease our anxious minds.

  • Learn from the experience and apply coping skills

Class suspensions disrupt normal school learning and cause additional anxiety due to uncertainty. Sure, our life routines are interrupted but we can learn something as time goes by.  Experience facilitates proper adjustments, and improvements and enhances our adaptability.  We may keep applying effective coping skills that have worked well for us in the past two years.  In the midst of the pandemic, keeping regular life and learning routines, adequate rest, exercise, enjoyment, and contact with peers and friends, etc., are all good ways to maintain our health and faith to counteract adversities.

  • Keep connections and seek support

It is not always easy to face all challenges on our own.  Exchanging ideas and seeking support from caring, understanding, and knowledgeable people (e.g. family members, friends, teachers, or seniors) may help us to cope with problems more effectively.  Remember, we are not alone.  Mutual care and concern are of special value during difficult times.

Becoming more resilient under Covid-19

The pandemic is indeed a great threat.   Keeping hope, faith and mutual support are keys to building up our resilience to survive the challenge.  Together, we will “bounce back” and grow stronger.


Source: HK Department of Health